Monday, May 9, 2011

Religion within Prescott

There are quite a few churches or places of worship in Prescott. As Conzen stated in chapter 12 it was recreate the style of church of their home land which architecturally allows the building to stand out. There are two churches on Mt. Vernon and one is quite apparent, white the one on the North end of the street looks like a Victorian style house.

The church below is located on the northwest corner of Ellis. There are many distinct features on this church. The first is the front door with the arched window and the round window above that, which is Early National and Romantic style. The roof is steep and the windows on the side of the church are Gothic style with the pointed arch. There is extreme “cornage” on the corners of the church topped with a small peak and a cross exemplifying the Romanesque influence.

The Church below is located on Gurley Street and has a very distinct Gothic style that makes it unique. The windows are influenced by Palladio and the roof line is decorated with verge boards. The tower in the center represents Renaissance influence with the castle like look on all four facades of the tower.

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