Monday, May 9, 2011

Flagstaff's MEGA Mall

The mall is located along highway 89, but it is not the only place to shopping out there. There is a Safeway grocery store an Office max and an abundance of fast food restaurants. As you approach the mall the parking lot overwhelms you, but this a zoning code that allows for the same amount of parking as the max capacity inside the mall. The Flagstaff Mall is smaller than other malls, but is beginning to expand through the Market Place that is located to the East of the Mall. Once you are inside the mall it is set up as many suburban malls have been according to Conzen in chapter 19. He describes shopping malls as a “revolutionary integration,” because department stores and numerous small retail stores and small eateries that consist within one giant building.

The mall appears to be a public space and it is open to the public, but it is privately owned and is considered private. Although, the inside décor is inviting to adults and children. There is a fireplace surrounded by chairs and couches that are inviting for those who need a break from shopping. At another end of the mall there is an area directed toward children that has stuff for them to play on. This makes it “feel” more like a private place. As, you walk the mall the department stores are at each end of the mall and the design is that of a “Mega Mall” as Conzen describes it on page 427. This also adds to the competition amongst the larger retail stores, but allows for the smaller stores to be seen although they may be overshadowed by the large scale department stores.

The mall is a building that allows for mixed use of retail stores, services such as salons photographers, as well as restaurants and eateries. Retail is the majority of the business that is located within the mall, but eateries and restaurants make up the west end of the mall in what is known as the “food court” today. Although the majority of the eateries are located at this end of the mall there are kiosks within the mall that serve coffee and almonds are the two that stood out to me. No matter what the business is within the mall they all advertise with lit up flashy signs with specific colors to attract their market.

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