Monday, March 28, 2011

Private Property Craze; The Housing on University Avenue

The houses on University Avenue are post modern and have a Georgian influence. The influence is apparent through the enhanced entries. Private property and having individual privacy is apparent through the fences and the influence of the backyard as an extended room of the house. The back yard and front yard serve different purposes. The backyard is more for leisure and relaxing comfortably, while the front yard is used to showcase the house based on the “curb appeal” which makes the house inviting. The photo below shows the fenced in backyard on either side for these townhomes, but there is an “alley” of landscape that separates the fences.

Although University Avenue, Cherry Street, and the Southside neighborhood they both have individual lots, are set back from the street, and the houses face the street. The differences are quite apparent the houses have a fresh look to them because of the style and paint color that is used. The houses and places of residence on University Avenue are very picturesque; because of the front porches which some have added outdoor chairs and furniture, sidewalks, garages, and the abundant amount of friendly people out and about in the neighborhood.

The garage alludes to the neighborhood being dependent on the automobile, as well as enabling this neighborhood to exist. Each home has a car, which is apparent because of the amount of traffic. The dependency on the automobile is a cultural aspect of today’s society.


  1. I feel that older communities have more community feel and suburbs that have been built over the last 20 years are more individual.

  2. I would have to agree with you, but society seems to be reverting back to old values in this area. Flagstaff in general has a more community feel, because it is a smaller city though.
