Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Classical Architecture on Aspen Street

The Romans popularized the construction of the structural arch, but did not invent the concept. After doing some research it should be noted that ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks all used the arch, although it was ineffective. The Romans purpose for the arch was to support or strengthen a building. Most arches consist of wedge-shaped blocks. The top center stone, called the keystone. This is the last block to be inserted and can be seen in the bottom photo of the arches. In Flagstaff the Hotel Monte Vista is yet another railroad hotel. This hotel is across the street from the Babbitt Brother's Store, but can be seen from many places in Flagstaff, because of it's tall sign. Roman architecture is very apparent on the outside of the building's arched windows. This was a common style of Architecture in the late 1800's in America, thus appeared as Flagstaff began to grow. The arch is one of the strongest forms of architecture, and Flagstaff is on a fault line. Although, earthquakes are not prevalent this adds strength to the structure, should one occur.

You can see the arches in the photos above. The Romans popularized the arch at the beginning of C.E. (Common Era).


  1. Great post about the arches found throughout downtown Flagstaff. I had no clue that arches came from other places besides the Roman Empire. I wonder why other civilizations were unsuccessful in using the arches. Good pictures as well to create a good visual for the post.

  2. Did you purposely place the "column builder" advertisement on your blog? It's great! And I agree with Joe - nice focus on the arch. We'll learn more about different styles as the course progresses.
